A photograph of Elisa Nebolsine, therapist leaning on a door next to a tall plant in her therapy space

Elisa Nebolsine

Therapist, Author and Educator

25 Years of therapy, teaching and writing

I always tell my own kids that you don't have to choose one career for your whole life, but the irony is that I can't imagine not being a therapist.  After 25 years in practice, I am just as excited about my work as I was at the start.  

My job is broad: not only do I practice CBT and EMDR, but I also write and teach, and I continue to be surprised by the depth and power of the work.  I am continually learning.

The ingredients for meaningful change

Therapy is a space of safety, connection, and challenge.  It is not meant to be easy, and while CBT and EMDR are guided by research, therapy is also always a unique exploration.  

My clients value the research and science that sets CBT and EMDR apart and want useful and meaningful therapy.  I work with individuals seeking deep and meaningful change.  Yes, this includes kids. Yes, this includes adults. Yes, this includes teens.  Life is challenging at any age.   And it can get better.  My work uses research as our guide, and together we explore your driving narratives and beliefs.  Our goal is for you to build a life where you thrive, a life that feels good.

A photograph of Elisa Nebolsine teaching a workshop and behind her is a projected screen on a wall


CBT is an in-depth process where you learn the core beliefs shaped in childhood that consciously and unconsciously drive your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.  

CBT is not boring, formulaic, or simply about making a list of coping strategies.   It is rich, involved, and full of depth.

EMDR involves bilateral stimulation- using both sides of the brain and body- to process trauma. Similar to CBT, EMDR changes the power of the memory and experience, but it does so in a way that includes eye movement or tapping.

My mission

Therapy is powerful. It is an act of self-preservation and of self-care. It is a decision to make your life feel better. To embrace what isn’t working, and to move forward with intention and hope.

As a therapist, I aim to engage, connect, and work with you to create change.  I am not a passive therapist.  I challenge, push, and hopefully, I also make clear that I see you.  I see your strengths and abilities, not just your struggles, and I believe in your capacity to heal, grow, and thrive.  You are unique, and you are wonderful.

In addition to my clinical practice, I serve as a clinical supervisor and adjunct faculty for the Beck Institute in Philadelphia and for Catholic University's School of Social Services.  I write, teach and consult about using CBT in settings from schools to businesses.

A photograph of Elisa Nebolsine wearing glasses, working on her laptop in her therapy office


MSW, Smith College School for Social Work, 1997

BA, Guilford College, 1995


Certified Diplomate, Academy of Cognitive Therapy*

Beck Certified, Beck Institute*

*these certifications mean my therapy tapes have been listened to and scored to assess CBT competency


Learning and the Brain Conference | San Francisco

American Assocation for Anxiety Disorders (ADAA)

National Assocation of Social Workers


National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

Academy of Cognitive Therapy (ACT)

Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA)


2008- Current | Clinical Supervisor, Adjunct Faculty | Beck Institute in Philadelphia

2012-2022 | Clinical Practice with Children and Adolescents | Catholic University of Amerika, Graduate School for Social Work

Collaboration on an app Tapouts for children and teens to improve mental resilience and emotional intelligence

A photograph of Elisa Nebolsine working on her laptop in her therapy office and behind her is a large shelf of books and pictures

See my offerings

Read top blogs

Writing An Emotional Will: For Those You Love and For You

Jungian Therapy Meets Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An Intersection of Depth and Action

Getting Unstuck: A Summary of The Science of Stuck